Everything you need to know
Cancellation / rescheduling policy
Canceling or rescheduling your appointment 72 hours before will result in a $25 fee.
This will be added to your account and will need to be paid before your next appointment.
Cancelling within 48 hours will result in a 100% fee and must be paid before you next appointment.
No show policy
Not showing up to your appointment will result in a 100% fee, a strike will go against your name and if you continue to no show you won't be able to come back.
Sickness policy
I know being sick is out of our control, please make sure to contact me as soon as possible as it will give me time to try and fill your spot! If not filled, a 100% fee applies.
Late policy
Please try your best not to be late as it causes a ripple effect for the remainder of my day! Being late to your appointment can and will result in a late fee. This will be dependent on how late you are and how much time I have left to complete the service(s).
Children in the Clinic.
As a courtesy to me, other clients / members of the gym and for the safety for the children, we kindly ask that you make childcare arrangements for your appointment time. Children are not allowed to be left unsupervised in the clinic under the age of 13. My work involves an extreme amount of concentration, focus and is extremely detail oriented. Please understand this is for the safety of your children. If you need to cancel our appointment due to your child being sick, the same policy applies as above, under 'Sickness Policy'.